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添加时间:2014年2月3日 来源: 阜宁县律师   http://qzhhtjfls.maxlaw.cn/
  chapter two:formation of contracts
  article 9capacity;contract through agent in entering into acontract,the parties shall have the appropriate capacities for civil rights and civil acts.a party may appoint an agent to enter into acontract on its behalf under the law.
  article 10 forms of contract;writing requirement acontract may be made in awriting,in an oral conversation,as well as in any other form.a contract shall be in writing if arelevant law or administrative regulation so requires.a contract shall be in writing if the parties have so agreed.
  第十一条书面形式是指合同书、信件和数据电文(包括电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件)等可以有形地表现所载内容的形式。article 11 definition of writing awriting means amemorandum of contract,letter or electronic message(including telegram,telex,facsimile,electronic data exchange and electronic mail),etc.which is capable of expressing its contents in atangible form.
  article 12 terms of contract the terms of acontract shall be prescribed by the parties,and generally include the following:(i)names of the parties and the domiciles thereof;(ii)subject matter;(iii)quantity;(iv)quality;(v)price or remuneration;(vi)time,place and method of performance;(vii)liabilities for breach of contract;(viii)method of dispute resolution.the parties may enter into acontract by referencing amodel contract for the relevant contract category.
  article 13 offer-acceptance acontract is concluded by the exchange of an offer and an acceptance.
  article 14 definition of offer an offer is aparty's manifestation of intention to enter into acontract with the other party,which shall comply with the following:(i)its terms are specific and definite;(ii)it indicates that upon acceptance by the offeree,the offeror will be bound thereby.
  article 15 invitation to offer an invitation to offer is aparty's manifestation of intention to invite the other party to make an offer thereto.a delivered price list,announcement of auction,call for tender,prospectus,or commercial advertisement,etc.is an invitation to offer.a commercial advertisement is deemed an offer if its contents meet the requirements of an offer.
  article 16 effectiveness of offer,offer through electronic message an offer becomes effective when it reaches the offeree.when acontract is concluded by the exchange of electronic messages,if the recipient of an electronic message has designated aspecific system to receive it,the time when the electronic message enters into such specific system is deemed its time of arrival;if no specific system has been designated,the time when the electronic message first enters into any of the recipient's systems is deemed its time of arrival.
  article 17 withdrawal of offer an offer may be withdrawn.the notice of withdrawal shall reach the offeree before or at the same time as the offer.
  article 18 revocation of offer an offer may be revoked.the notice of revocation shall reach the offeree before it has dispatched anotice of acceptance.
  article 19 irrevocable offer an offer may not be revoked:(i)if it expressly indicates,whether by stating afixed time for acceptance or otherwise,that it is irrevocable;(ii)if the offeree has reason to regard the offer as irrevocable,and has undertaken preparation for performance.
  article 20 extinguishment of offer an offer is extinguished in any of the following circumstances:(i)the notice of rejection reaches the offeror;(ii)the offeror lawfully revokes the offer;(iii)the offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance;(iv)the offeree makes amaterial change to the terms of the offer






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