“要式合同”不等于“Formal Contract”
添加时间:2015年2月3日 来源: 阜宁县律师 http://qzhhtjfls.maxlaw.cn/
而在英美国家里,“a formal contract is a contract where the parties have signed under seal, while an informal contract is one not under seal. in other words, a formal contract is a contract that must be written in a specific form required by law for it to be enforceable, while an informal contract is a contract which does not depend upon a particular mode of expression to be valid. ”也就是“formal contract”是以书面形式签订的经过签字盖章而形成的“正式合同”,而“informal contract”则不要求以书面形式(例如可以是口头形式的)签订的“非正式合同”。
由此可见,”要式合同”与“formal contract”是两个不同的概念,不应该等而视之。
此外,“要式合同”也不应翻译成“mandate contract”。在英语中“a mandate is a contract by which one person designates another person to represent him or her, in other words act on his or her behalf, in legal dealings with a third party.”即“mandate”是“一方委托另一方以其名义与第三方进行商事活动的”委任合同“。
鉴于以上理由,笔者认为”要式合同“的恰当英文应该是”solemnity contract“,对应的”非要式合同“则为”non-solemnity contract".